Recent & former clients



  • Air Quality Standards Coalition
  • « America with Dennis Wholey » Television
  • American Psychological Association Practice Organization
  • American Radio Officers Association
  • Association for the Advancement of Psychology
  • Association of American Railroads
  • AT&T
  • BP America
  • Beads by the Dozen
  • Cal Dive International Inc
  • City Park of New Orleans
  • The Competitive Long Distance Coalition
  • Diagnostic Retrieval Corporation
  • Ernest N. Morial New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority
  • Fair Tax Coalition
  • Golden Rule Insurance
  • The Government of Turkey
  • Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co.
  • Gulf Telecom, LLC
  • ICI Corporation
  • The Jefferson Group
  • Jordache Corporation
  • Kern Studios, LLC
  • MacAndrews and Forbes
  • McDonnell Douglas Corporation
  • Maersk/Sea-Land
  • Marine Engineers Beneficial Association
  • Marriott and Holiday Inn Coalition
  • The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
  • Plaintiff’s steering Committee (Chinese Drywall)
  • Rapid Mat/Starflight
  • R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
  • Seafarers International Union of North America
  • Southwest Shipyards
  • Union Pacific Railroad
  • Walgreen’s
  • Walgreen’s Boots Alliance Inc
  • Watson Energy Incorporated
  • Zapata Corporation